Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a style of photography that captures the likeness of a person or a small group of people. The goal is to capture the essence of the subject’s personality, often using lighting, composition, and posing to create a specific mood or emotion.

Midjourney Prompts

  • V6
  • V5.2
  • V5
  • V4

Midjourney V6

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --v 6

Midjourney V5.2

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --v 5.2

Midjourney V5

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --v 5

Midjourney V4

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --v 4

Niji Prompts

  • Niji V6
  • Niji V5

Niji V6

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --niji 6

Niji V5

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --niji 5

Midjourney V4

/imagine portrait photography of a cowboy --v 4

Dalle Prompts

Dall-e 3

portrait photography of a cowboy
Shane Robot

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